Book an Appointment and Connecting with our team
Our new electronic Health Record system is called Practice Better. All previous client were sent an invite via email in June 2024 but it is easy for us to send a new one, just ask.
509-548-4780 is the number to use.
You can message Lynette about general information or Denise about billing in Practice Better but allow a few days for a reply as they are busy working on other issues and unable to constantly monitor all the emails, faxes, phones and messages. Texts and phone calls are faster. Sarah may task you in practice better but if you need to contact Sarah you will need to make an appointment. Evisits are available often.
You don't even need to log in to book an appointment, just choose your visit type and location and let us know you need an invite in the notes if you do!
Click here to book an appointment
The patient portal has an app and many ways to communicate with us about your health so let's get you in there!
(reminder you have to answer and email invite that we sent, or ask for a new one, text us 509-548-4780)
Click here to access the Patient Portal
These links are also at the top of the home page.
Click here to log in for supplements
The log in for supplements is so that we can continue to sell you prescription grade supplements at the best price possible. When it is a prescription there is no tax and your active patient discount code will get you 10% off at check out on top of that. We also use Fullscript and Wholescript and
We no longer recommend a few brands that have sold out over the years and are now of questionable quality. This includes Thorne, Pure, Garden of Life, and some others. If a company is selling anything with cyanocobalamin in it, avoid everything they make. Feel free to bring in what you have, our goal is to get you what you need to get well. That includes food ideas and supplements that are not harmful and that contain what they say they do. What you put in your body matters so make an appointment and we can go over it with you! Sarah has met the owners of the companies, been to the factories and payed close attention to the progress of supplement companies over the last 20 years so she can help you choose even if you don't buy from us.